CRF250L Rally’17-20 – SpeedoDRD Calibrator
This product is required to recalibrate your speedometer and odometer after changing either sprocket size or the rear tire size.
- The smallest electronic speedometer/odometer calibration device in the world.
- Saves max speed, which can be recalled to your stock speedometer gauge
- Widest calibration range on the market (ratio based and multiplier/divider capability)
- Built in testing mode to ensure proper installation
- Easier to setup than any other device on the market
- Simple plug-in installation for many vehicles using factory OEM connectors
- Works for any 3 wire Hall Effect Sensor, or 2 wire Ground Switch Sensors
- Works for vehicles which display MPH or KPH
- Ability to convert MPH to KPH, or KPH to MPH
- Ratio based correction in 0.1% steps, up to 99.9% + or –
- Fractional frequency multiplier & divider with 0.1 steps, up to 99.9 + or –
- Weather proof design to protect against the elements
- 18″ wiring harness (1.5ft)
- 3 year product replacement warranty
- Made in the USA